Broward Children’s Center Respite Care has been in existence for over 20 years. It serves the Broward County area and runs under the auspices of Broward Children’s Center, Inc., located in Pompano Beach, FL.
Our mission is to provide a temporary break to reduce the parent’s or caregiver’s stress when caring for a child with special needs at home. Respite care is provided in an effort to:
Prevent costly out-of-home placement
Prevent potential child abuse and neglect
Preserve the family unit
Support family stability
Respite Care Programs emerged in the late 1960s as a result of the deinstitutionalization movement with the belief that the best place to care for a child with disabilities was in the child’s home. Today, respite has become an essential component in the overall support services that families need to care for their child at home.RESPITE DEFINED
Respite means: an interval of rest or relief; a pause, a chance to ‘take a break. In-Home Respite may be used for a variety of reasons: 1) a chance to go shopping, dinner, or a movie, 2) to spend quality time with a spouse or other children, 3) to have some private time. Parents who take advantage of the program find relationships within their family unit greatly enhanced because they have had the time to feel refreshed.Types of Services
In-Home Respite providing a temporary ‘break’ to the parent from caring for their child with special needs.
Respite Home for overnight and extended care.
Saturday Respite, 9AM-3PM, at our preschools.
Tuesday night Spaghetti/Movie Night.
Drop off on Friday evenings for Parent’s Night Out.
Individual short-term counseling.
Monthly Parent Support Groups address a variety of topics pertaining to raising children with special needs.
Monthly SibShops are provided in a fun atmosphere where siblings can discuss the challenges they face.
Moms Group, Grandparents Group, and Parent Education Series are sessions focused on dealing with the emotional challenges and skills necessary to raise children with special needs. Information on referral resources.
Opportunities to meet families in similar situations.
Eligibility & Funding
Available to children, birth to 21, who live in Broward County, and who have physical disabilities or developmental disabilities and may have special medical conditions resulting from the disabilities.
Families are offered approximately 120 hours annually of in-home Respite. Additionally, families can utilize the Respite Home hourly, or overnight, for approximately 96 hours or more annually.
Fees for services range from $0.25-$6.00 per hour depending on the family's annual income. No family will be denied service due to an inability to pay. Funding for these services are provided by the Broward County Children’s Services Board.RESPITE WORKERS
All respite workers are professionally trained and skilled in caring for children with special needs. Families will be provided with a respite worker who has skills consistent with your child’s needs. In addition, all workers’ backgrounds are thoroughly screened and checked.INTAKE PROCESS
Entrance to the Respite Program begins with a call to the office. An intake packet is either mailed or can be picked up. Once the packet is completed, a psychosocial assessment is scheduled.
Broward Children's Center • 200 S.E. 19th Avenue • Pompano Beach, FL 33060954/941-1228 x112
Broward Children''s Center Respite Program